Ha ha ha ha. I was taking a break a few mnts ago,wanted to cook Bihun Kuah. As usual, always checks the mail box. I was surprised seeing a package on the floor.
I was yelling to Mom and said,' Aw... I got a package!!! " Mom was at the kitchen ,just about finished cleaning the kitchen.
I grabbed the package and it's from Lidya & Brian Schalhamer. Mimpi apa neh.. siang2 dpt berkat!!!! ^_____^.
Thank you so much,sis.
I opened it. Aww... chocolate!!!!!!!!!! Yummy..... Been a long time didn't eat chocolate. Ronnie loves chocolate.
There's a card inside. ^__^
You shouldn't have done that, Lid....
But,I can't resist not to have a bite. He he he he.
Lumayan,nungguin bihun lembek, ngemil coklat dulu.
Thank you ... muchas gracias.. Tuhan memberkati.. God bless your pregnancy!!!!
ikut seneng yah say...:)
ReplyDeleteThnks,say.Btw,elu di mana skrg, Lol ? Kirain msh di Indo.
ReplyDeleteMei..coklatnya gak lumer kan ?? takutnya melting dijalan apalagi sekarang ini lagi summer :) tapi dah di double sama waterproof amplop mudah2an masih bagus dan gak lumer :) enjoy your chocolate say ! say hi to ronnie...btw..si ronnie kebagian kan ? heheheh enjoy your weekend say GBU
ReplyDeletewah seneng bumil doyan makan coklat :) si baby mudah2an suka juga heheh
ReplyDeleteRonnie siang tadi udh ke bar.Nanti coklatnya dibawa ke sana.Mom kebagian satu biji,sambil ngemil sambil ngepel dapur . he he he . Thnks a lot, lho... GBU!!!!!
ReplyDeleteeheheh you are welcome say ! GBU
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. ^___^
ReplyDeleteAsyik bumil dpt coklat. Nah loh Lied si Mei2 and Lina dpt coklat gw kapan?? nagih.com lol
ReplyDeletebtw, Mei headshot lo bagus loh. Itu pake program apa say?
ReplyDeleteasyikkkkkkkkkkk ikutan senang say hehehhe mau dunk choklatnya:)
ReplyDeletebtw: kapan ya dapat paket mba mei mei hahhahahah:)
Kapan2 nih kyknya. Ha ha ha.
ReplyDeleteUdh lama gak makan coklat.Sejak hamil, jarannnnnnnnnnggggggg banget.Kyknya ini pertama kali sejak hamil. :P
ReplyDeletePake Roxy,say.
ReplyDeleteKakakakaka.Paket salam tempel aja ya,Mbak Ret. :D.
ReplyDeleteBaby Ries ikut ngicipin di dalem..huehehee..
ReplyDeletemei seneng deh aku lihat mei seneng makan coklatnya,sayang portugal gak ada coklat yg enak.met makan coklat mei
ReplyDeleteKena cicip coklat,diam deh dia,gak nendang2.Ha ha ha.Tapi tadi malam susah tidur,nendang mulu.
ReplyDeleteCadbury gitu gak da ??? Ini coklat semalam dibawa ke bar,bablas dimakan sama anak2.Ha ha ha.