Monday, June 18, 2007

I Wonder Why Encyclopedia

Genre: Childrens Books
Author:King Fisher
It's not too late to learn even from the kids' books. I love this book. I myself always curious abt things happens around. Encyclopedia,bow....

This book contains the ultimate questions and answers, over 500 questions. It's good for the parents if the kids ask them with many " WHY ? ".

Lah.. boro2,jaman kecil dulu gak pernah nanya detail2 ke ortu,jawaban juga gak scientic banget. He he he he.

I think before I have a baby, I am going to enrich my knowledge.
" Where do I come from ? " ha ha ha ha ha.

You can find the answer here.

Enjoy the book!!!!


  1. duh yang mau jadi mamah, bacaannya dah beda ya... hehehehe...

  2. Ha ha ha ha. Iyalah,say... Nanti dicecar pertanyaan mengapa begini , mengapa begitu,gak taunya jawabnya.. susah...Wanti2 aja kalo direspond dgn jawaban," Ke laut ajaaaaaaaaaaaaa ". ha ha ha ha ha

  3. memang bagus baca yg begini eda, soalnya pertanyaan anak2 kadang diluar dugaan kita...bisa kelabakan jawabnya.

  4. Betul,da.Persiapan kalo2 kita ditanya.Anak2 jaman skrg mah curiousity nya bener2 aghhhhhhhhhhh. He he he.

  5. gimana udah di baca habis belum, benar ya kita kudu baca buku spt ini, untuk menambah pengetahuan ya.

  6. hehe..kl uda hafal ntar lu ikut acara "Are you smarter than the 5th grader" ya Mei

  7. Blm dibaca sampe abis.Bacanya baru bbrp halaman.Seruuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Ronnie kadang lbh pintar (iyalah... bule dari kecil udh diajarin sciense sih ya ).

  8. Ha ha ha ha.Kalo bisa menang. Ha ha ha ha. Ini aja kadang ditanya sama ponakan umur 5 thn,bingung jawabnya. ^_________^.
