Yesterday,me and Mom went to Good Sam Hospital.I was nervous to know the baby's gender.
The lady named Debby was nice.She started showing us the baby at the screen.Oww..... the baby's so healty.She said baby's normal.Suddenly,she said, " Oh...look at that... the baby hic cup!!! " Ha ??????? She zoomed it and we saw the baby hic cup. Its head was up and down. Ha ha ha ha ha. Mom said," Yeah.. cos Mei-Mei always hic cup,too!! " Ha ha ha ha.
I said," I think I'm gonna give the nick name Hic Cup " Ha ha ha ha.Then she moved to another spot and said," Aw.... look at the mouth,it opens up and close the mouth." ^_____________^.
She said," This is a nice baby.Everything looks great.I am so happy.The baby's 1 lb. Healty baby."
Aghh.... that's what I wanted to hear.She pointed the nose and said," Look at the nose... you can see it clearly here." I said," I hope it won't have flat nose." ha ha ha ha.
" Now," the lady said," You wanna know the baby's gender ? " I said," Yes.. but not rite now. Can you write it down and put in the envelope,pls ? Cos I wanna share the happiness to my husband."
She said," Close your eyes,then." Mom wanted to see,but I asked her to close her eyes.She said," Mei-Mei don't trust me." ha ha ha ha.
A few seconds later," It's done." She put it in the envelope. I called Ronnie and asked Ronnie go to home directly from work.
As we went home,I drove to library n Walgreens.I wanted to play a game with Ronnie. I bought 2 cards, baby boy and girl card.
When I arrived,I saw Ronnie's car already parked.He's at the basement,playing game. I asked him to go upstairs.He said,' Well...let's see what we have."
I said," Hang on....we gotta have dinner first." I gave him the baby's profile. He said," I wanna see the gender.These pics don't tell a lot." ha ha ha . Be patient, daddy - to be.
After we had dinner, I asked him to go to the living room. I gave Ronnie 2 cards. I asked him to pick one.
He picked a smaller card and said," I picked this one." He opened it up and said," Aghhhhhhhhhhh it's baby girl!!!!!!!!! " I was quite. I was nervous,for sure. I said to him," Really ??? Let me see."
He said," Is it baby girl ? " I said,' Dunno.The real answer is in the envelope."
I handed the envelope to him.He's nervous.He opened up the envelope,the paper was flipped .He turned it back and laughed," Ha ha ha ha ha." I was curious and said," What it says ???? What it says ???? Let me see."
My hand was shaky. I turned the pic and it said " I'M BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!" Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ronnie said,' Exactly what you want,baby! " Ha ha ha . I looked at his face,he's nervous. I said," Are you disappointed ? " He said," Nope!!!!!!! Baby boy or girl is the same.I'm gonna love her as much as I love you and the baby boy. She's gonna be Daddy's lil girl.I love you.Thank you".He kissed and hugged me.^____^
I myself,was disappointed a lil bit.Ronnie said," Well..suddenly you're disappointed.Lately you wanted to have a baby boy. Hey,this baby girl will be our precious one.It's a blessing." Ha ha ha ha.
Ronnie and I tried to pick up some names. Although I myself had prepared the name,but seems he wasn't fond of. We teased one each other in the bedroom, picking names. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ronnie said," I'm gonna be strict to her 1st boyfriend.She can't know man till 32 yo.She must be a lawyer." ha ha ha ha. Goodnesssssssssss... he starts being fussy abt his baby in the future.
He wants to protect her for 24 hours. Ha ha ha ha. Duh... kyk security aja,Oom. :P
I called my family.My Papi was so excited.Papi said," What it says??" I said," You're gonna have granddaughter." He laughed. ^_________^.
Then,I talked to Ching2. She said," Iie,Iie will have baby girl ? Ching2 will send old clothes for the baby girl,ok ?" Ha ha ha ha ha. She's so excited,too.
Then,I talked to Mami.I said," Baby girl." She laughed.I told her that I was a lil disappointed.But Mami said," Hey... baby boy or girl is the same.It's a blessing."
Well... I shouldn't have done that. Sorry,God. I rubbed my belly and said," Hi,honey.. Mommy loves you. Daddy will be strict to you. Be careful. Mommy will be on your side." Ha ha ha .
Ronnie said," Awwww...she'll be on my side." Ha ha ha ha . Now we fight who's gonna be her best friend. :P
Lidya,who was curious since a couple days ago couldn't resist not to send me sms many times asking abt the baby's gender. Duh..sorry,sampe lama nunggunya,sis.
I texted all my friends and family. I got lots of responses.Dece was excited,cos she's gonna have a baby girl,too.She wrote," Meiceeeeeeeee.... our kids can play together and shopping together.It'll be fun." ha ha ha ha.
Chiko wrote," Mei2,congrats... You're gonna enjoy shopping for her as baby girl's outfits are so cute." Ha ha ha ha.
I said to Ronnie," I am gonna have a friend to do more shopping and I'll dress her up a lot." ^_________^.
Ronnie said," Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... now she's so excited abt the baby girl's stuff." ha ha ha ha ha.
Love you,Ron,I really do. All above, love you my precious lil girl - on the board. Can't wait to see your lil fingers and toes and your tiny mini body. :P
Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see you. :D
Aduhhh...lama benerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Cepetan dunkkkkkkkkkk :P