Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Goofy Monthly Anniversary ^___^

As usual, we have a tradition to celebrate our monthly anniversary. Since we got married, we always check the calender,when it's 27th, either me or Ronnie would say " Happy Anniversary,babe!!!"..Lately, I forgot!! I even didn't notice every 27th.Ronnie is the only person who always says it 1st. We like teasing one each other. Whoever says it 1stly, the other would be given a . Hahahahaha.

I remembered a couple times Ronnie did it 1stly.Once,when we just got home from the bar, he said,"Happy Anniversary,hun." I was quite.And then I asked him,"what date is it ?" He said," It's 27th! . Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... He got me .Hahahhahaaha

But,not this month. I did remember the date.In the morning of 27th, I went to CVS. I picked a nice card.I was naughty.I tried to pick a cheap card, but then again,I got stuck with lots of choices and prices.

I went home,and took a nap. I put the card on top of his pillow. He went home around 6.30pm. I pointed the card and he said," Ow... I have a card? Thanks, hun."

He opened the card,smiled and said," Goodness!!! I forgot!!! You got me!!" Gantiannnnnnnn.Hahahhahahaha.

He read the card,didn't stop smiling and laughing.He hugged me and said," Thank you,baby.Happy Anniversary. I love you, I do."

I said to him," There're lots of cards at CVS. I got confused to choose.I like this one,but I liked the others,too.When I paid,I realized it's expensive." ^___________^ Hahahahhaha.

Ronnie looked at me and said,"What???? So, you think your husband ain't worth for expensive card? " . Hahahahahhaa.

I replied," Not with 4.99 bucks ." Hahahahhahaa. I couldn't stop laughing. He tickled me. Hahahahahahaha.

He said," Gee, baby!!! " Hahahhahahaha. Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrr

Until now I can't forget abt the conversation.Goodness..how naughty I was.

But,anyway. Happy Anniversary to us!!!!


  1. Happy anniversarry Mei Mei & Ronnie.....GBU

  2. Happy anniversary mei dan ronnie, ini untuk anniversary bulan keberapa?

  3. selamat yaaa...buat pasangan yang berbahagia... awet selalu..GBU :-)

  4. 1thn 8 bln. Wuihhhhh gak terasa bntr lagi 2 thn.

  5. lovey dovey mulu maunya.Hahahahaha.Thnks,Luch.GBU,too!!!

  6. Thnks,da.Duhh itu foto si kecil? Udh umur brp skrg? Msh suka nimbrung di gobatak ? Mei2 udh jarang banget tuh.

  7. happy aniversary deh, eda...

    celebrating every month, gw juga mau ahhhhh...hhaaaa

  8. Time runs so fast.Gak nyangka aja gitu lho. ^_____^.

  9. Thnsk, da. Ayo, celebrate every month.It's fun!!!

  10. doh mesranya..met monthly anniversary ya meiiii

  11. Thnsk, Jen. Ngerayain monthly kyk ngerayain annually . hahahahha

  12. Met Anniversary juga ya Mpo.. sekalian selamat Natal..... *sambil nngelirik pohon natal dibelakang itu*

  13. Do e... ngana ngejek kang ??? Hahahhahahahhaha. Itu Pohon Natal abad dari Nanny. Hihihihi

  14. HappY Annyversary...bulan keberapa neh jadinya ;)

  15. Happy Monthlyversary Mei hehehe...kan ngerayainnya bulanan ya? Jadi gw sebut monthlyversary aja deh...gw dulu ngerayain bulanan waktu pacaran doang..sekarang udah ga lagi

  16. Biasa,masuk 1 thn 8 bln.Bntr lagi 2 thn.Wuihhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  17. Monthlyversary.Hihihihihi.Ini udh kewajiban saling ngingatin tiap bulan.Btw,gmn pregnancynya? Jadi pindah,Ko?Kpn?Ksh tau ya,biar kita buat farewell party di sini.

  18. happy monthly anniversary eda meimei

  19. Ke mana aja ini mak emily???mauliate godang ma.
