Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Aug 14th - Dinner with The Lims at Home

Monday noon,Dhar called me. Instead of coming on Tuesday for lunch, he changed the plan to come on Monday evening ( the car was available on Monday,not Tuesday ). I called Ronnie and asked him if he could give them a ride to go back to Ronald Mc.Donald House after dinner. Ronnie said, “ Yes!”. He asked me not to go to the bar doing the inventories,he could do that.So, I stayed at home and cooked.

I called Mami and asked her abt the recipe of Steamed Red Snapper ( Chinese Style ). I bought lots of seafood on Sunday ( after church ). Caroline said Nadia didn’t wanna eat for days ( She’s missing to eat Steamed Red Snapper ). Voila!!! I had it for Nadia!!!

I was thinking what I would cook.Actually I had lots of menu to cook ( Finally I skipped some,cos I was afraid too many food to eat ).I skipped Ikan Asam Manis,Mie Pangsit,Lumpia Shanghai and Shabu – Shabu.

I had an idea.I went to the garden and picked the eggplant. Yihaaaaaaaaa… I had one and I fried it,mixed it with Sambel Ikan Gembung,bow…

So,here’re my menus : Kerupuk Udang & Emping,Nasi,Sambel Ikan Gembung,Bak Kecap,Rendang Bak,Cap Chai,Tempura,Ikan Kakap Kukus and…. As deserts were Rambutan sirup n Lemon Cake.

Caroline brought me soma magazines from Indo. Yeah!!!!!!! I’ve been longing to read Indonesian magazine here. Thnks, Line.

I called Ronnie to come home and had dinner together.He’s quite busy, he asked me not to wait for him. Finally he came home around 8.30pm, had a quick dinner,chit chat with The Lims and then he left back to the bar.He would give them a ride as soon as he’s done with his work. I asked The Lims to stay longer ( habis, msh kangen sih ). So,Ronnie said he would back back around 10.30-11 pm, if they didn’t mind.They said they didn’t.

Nadia whispered to her Mommy’s ear and said,” Iie Mei2 didn’t talk to Nadia.” Hahahhahaha.She wanted me to talk to her,too. I asked her to finish her food so I could talked to her.

She loves Red Snapper.When she’s eating,she said she liked Bak Kecap.Ohhh.. She skipped the Red Snapper and had Bak Kecap more. Hahhahahhahahaha. I am glad she likes my cooking.

Spending time in the living room,watching tv,Nadia asked me to colour with her.She took some pics and then she asked me to hold my stuff so she could take my pic. Mom said, “ Oh here she’s again. Lil Mei-Mei!!! “ Hahhahahaha.Everyone laughed.

Around 11.45 pm,Ronnie came home. We got ready and drove back to Ronald Mc.Donald House.

I am so glad I could spend time with them,meeting Indonesian here.

Nadia was sleepy in the car.She’s kinda cranky.hehhehehe.Thank God we got there before she overslept.

Thnks for coming,The Lims. See ya next time!!!!



  1. hhmmm...keknya makanannya enak2 neh...kapan giliran gw yang di undang dong, darling

  2. Aduh,da.Tinggal pilih tanggal saja, kita siap2 masak di sini ntar.*ditunggu yaaaaaaa*

  3. u guys had lots of fun there, nice to hear :)....gw jg diundang ya eda chayankk hehheeee

  4. Lots of fun.Maybe next week mrk mo main ke sini lagi.Pengen mampir ke bar.Sekalian makan malam lagi ntar,beda menu.^____^. Ayo,kalo mau ke sini,set dulu tgl mainnya.Hahhahahhaha. Ntar kita buat BPK .

  5. Waatthhaaa...kamu masak banyak ya Mei! Aku musti datangin kamu lagi nih kapan-kapan. Hhmmm... boleh juga tuh Feminanya...hee hee

  6. Itu juga menunya banyak yg dikurangin,Bu.Takut gak kemakan semua.Kapan lagi main ke sini?Ayo deh,dimasakin sambel ikan ntar.Btw,si Dhar katanya mo hub tuh,mo tanya2 soal tiket lagi.Ntar main ke sini,baca2 femina ya.^___^

  7. Thnks,Jen.Ini udh seneng banget ketemuan sama org Indo.Serasa kyk di rumah sendiri ( nyulik mrk sampe tengah malam,gak diksh ijin plg).Hahahhahahhaa

  8. Tante Mei.....makanannya enak2, kapan giliran RJ di undang nich........

  9. Jumat ya ?? Rencana mo buat pesta ultahnya Caroline di bar.Nanti diksh tau lagi kabarnya.Mei2 telp deh minggu dpn.
