Last Tuesday,while waiting for the karaoke lady,Alecia,Ronnie invited Bedel and his friends to do jamming music in our bar.Bedel and his friends came around 6pm.They brought the instruments and jamming together. That's cool!!!!! Finally Ronnie has a chance to play music together.He used to have a band. I can see from his face how excited he was. Hopefully they would do this weekly.
Your bar looks like a cool place to hang out. maybe someday.. I can come and visit.
ReplyDeleteTee,here's the deal.Celebrate your b'day in our bar,ok?Hahahahahhahaha
ReplyDeletehey you never know what god has plan..
ReplyDeleteYupee..We'll see what happens then :)
ReplyDeletetalk to you soon..
ReplyDeleteYour hubby main music juga ya say...
ReplyDeleteLaterrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am out of town till tomorrow,Tee
ReplyDeleteEndangggg. Dulu di kamar atas,kita buat jadi studio.Sering diajak main musik sama Ronnie.Dia alirannya Rock n Roll,Mei2 suka pop.Kebayang donk gmn mainnya.Hahahhahahaha
ReplyDeletehave fun...
ReplyDeleteThnks. Getting ready rite now.Soon my friend will pick me at 1.15pm.GBU
ReplyDeletekemana lu Mei ??? enak banget weekend2 jalan2 ama temen...*iri tingkat tinggi* :)
ReplyDeletedon't forget my rendang when you come back..!! take care..
ReplyDeleteI'm back,honey.Barusan nyampe rumah, jam 8.45pm tadi.Siap2 mo masak orderan.Ntar malam diambil sama temen,sekalian hang out di bar lagi mrk.Jgn iri donk,nanti kena stroke.Hahahahhaha *kaburrrrrrrrrrr*
ReplyDeleteI won't,tee :)
ReplyDeletethank you..
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.I am making Bubur Candil rite now.Wanna take it to bar.My friends will come again tonite.
ReplyDeletejangan kabur mau mau kasih tahu nih...pengen saksang nih...kapan??
ReplyDeleteKapan maunya elu aja,Pris.Ntar krm email,ksh alamat.Hari ini mo belanja lagi,bow.Tiap minggu belanja.Banyak orderan yg mo dimasak minggu dpn.