Iseng2 berbuah bubur Candil .Hahahhahaha
Talking with Sera a couple days ago,and she said,"Mei,why don't you make Bubur Candil?" Wahhhh..what a good idea.
I was still sick at that time,not so attempted to cook anything.But,the next day,I did it.
Upon request from Dewi,here's the recipe.Mupeng banget nih dia kyknya :P
200 gr glutinous flour ( tepung ketan )
100 gr tapioca flour ( tepung kanji )
1 cup of water
Sauce :
pandanus leaves
100gr palm sugar
100 cc coconut cream
100 cc coconut milk
50 gr tapioca flour ( for the sauce )
Mix the flour and make a hole in the middle
Pour the water and mix the batter
Take a lil batter and make a round shape ( use all the batter )
Heat some water and boil them for abt 5 mnts
In the other stove
Heat some water,add the sauce ingredients.
Stir around abt 5 mnts.I
f you wanna have thick sauce,add the tapioca flour.
Add the round shapes and stir again.
When it's ready to serve,pour the coconut milk on top. Ready to eattttttttttttt
duuuuuuhhh....kamsia jaa....Mei!!
libuuuuurrr bikin aaaaaaaaaahh :))
Nice Week-End ja Mei en Ronnie!!
Hehehehhehe.Ada yg mupeng lagi nehhhhhhhh.Sikattttttttttt.Kata si Mirna,enakan makan dingin2 ya? Kok Mei2 senengnya panas2 gitu? ^____^. Tapi Spring begini enaknya minum yg dingin2 deh.
ReplyDeleteMei, thanks ya.
ReplyDeleteMupeng hhhaaa, apalagi kalu ada yg masakin lebih asik lagi ketimbang masak sendiri (suka
Mei masih mupeng sama mie siram india nih,hik..hiks....
Lagi ol dari office.Hihihihihi.Btw,itu Mie Rebus Keling jadi kemimpi2 semalam.hahahahha
ReplyDeletegw kira bubur candil pake duren.
ReplyDeleteemang daun pandan ada dijual ya Mei?
btw, temen gw nanyain, andaliman lo dapet dimana sih Mei?
ReplyDeleteGak,gak pake duren.Maunya sih...apa daya,udh masuk ke perut sblm dicampur duren.
ReplyDeleteAndaliman kita import,say :).Barusan tadi buat orderan temennya temen *punyanya si Anne nyusul deh,minggu dpn* ^____^
Duh..yg MAU ke Ams.... Hahahahha**
ReplyDeleteI am soo glad that some of your recipes you have written it in english..!!! yeah.. hooray...!!
ReplyDeletekekeke...lagi error seh lo :))
ReplyDelete*aku mau donk :P*
ReplyDeleteWah kayaknya gampang nih, kapan2 pengen nyobain deh :D Thanks mei!
ReplyDeletemei resepnya bole nih kalau gula jawanya udah dikirim..
ReplyDeleteMaklum,kerja kyk kalong, jadi error neh.Coba donk diganti...hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome,tee.I'm glad you can read it.Try to cook it one day!!
ReplyDeletewes entek,da.^_______^
ReplyDeleteGampanggggg.Gak sampe 1 jam tuh
ReplyDeleteSabar ya,bu.Mudah2an minggu dpn dikrm.
ReplyDeletewakkk..berhasil juga ya...entar aku juga cobain ah Mei..!
ReplyDeleteBerhasillllllllllllllll.Si Evy pengen lagi katanya.Besok,kalo gak sibuk,mo dibuatin lagi. ^___^ . Coba deh ya.
ReplyDeleteyou have been such a dear...
ReplyDeletebagi jolo bah......!!!!