Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas'13 ~ Give Thanks in Any Circumstances ~

It’s been another year, so many things going on.
I don’t know if I could do this with smiles.

As I recall, the winter was not that bad ( or, maybe I was wrong.It’s been awhile!). My mother, Susiana, survived the winter. Yay! I was worried that she’d be cold and got sick, but she hadn’t. Thank God! She’s been so healthy. She’s a real survivor! Love her so much!
In Feb, we visited Chicago ( Thanks to Eda Genta for her generosity! ). We met old friend/neighbor in Indonesia there, and visited some places.

As Chinese New Year’s approaching, Mami Susi
Made a special Chinese dish, BAK CHANG.I haven’t had her homemade Bak Chang for ages ( seems like it!)
March 10th’13, Mami left for Indonesia. We’ve been blessed for her presence here for the whole 6months. She celebrated her birthday, Thanksgiving, Anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year and joined Fellowship during those months. Thank you for welcoming her so well in this country.

It’s Mom’s Julie, who had the kids after Mami went home. So blessed to have Mom around :)

In March, I received an award from company for an excellent service. The same month, Baby AB had her dedication day :)

We celebrated Mother’s Day, special for Mom. Glad she had good time. She deserved that!

On Memorial Weekend, we had a trip to Gatliburg, TN. The kids had good time. ML wanted to see The Parrots Mountain. It’s a beautiful place. We recommend you to visit it.

What have I done? We’re being silly and had DIY Hair Mask. It turned out bad! LOL. It’s hard to get rid of the banana residue out of our hair!

In June, ML had her 1st Ballet Recital.

This is the adventurous one! We went camping for the very 1st time as family invited by Ronnie’s good buddy! ML was very happy ( She didn’t want to go home! ) Yes, the kids survived!

We celebrated our Indonesian Independence Day in a park with Indo Community. Feels like home! Big family 

September.. the MOST UNFORGETFUL month for me.* deep breath *
I don’t know if I can write this down without crying
( again and again! )

Mom turned 72yo and couldn’t celebrate it with us. She’s in hospital due to stroke attack.My one and only beloved Mother in law, Mom Julie, went home to Father’s house on Sept 26th’13. Unexpectedly, I was in a big shock, couldn’t believe what happened. It turned my world upside down. I was not ready for her departure. We thought we could’ve had her for long good years, but God’s plan was different.

I was in a big depression. Having her not around with us anymore, I felt something’s empty deep down in my heart. I still miss her a lot, till now. I wish I could see her even in my dreams. There’re so many things I’d like to talk to her. I miss her voice, her hugs, her laugh. I miss every bit of her. I want to tell her how much I love her. She’s not only my mother in law, but she’s my mother in love. Everytime I think about her, all I could do is crying like a baby.I couldn’t help myself. I wish I could turn back time and could’ve done more to make her happy and so many “ IFs” in my mind.

Not only once I lock myself and crying. Not only once me and Ronnie hold together, cry on each shoulders for missing her so bad. Letting her go was the hardest thing for me.

As she’s gone, my spirit is going down. ML’s birthday, our birthdays, Baby AB’s birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year are not the same without Mom’s around. It ‘s empty. I was searching her in my mind, wishing her was around with us. But, she’s not there :(

Mom left a great legacy. She'll be missed a lot, her name would be mentioned again and again till the next generation. Kids would remember her as the greatest Grandma!

It broke my heart when one day ML prayed and asked God to send Grandma back to earth :(

I am so grateful that lots of families, friends and co-workers encouraged us to go through the difficult times ( incld. providing babysitter, Janet ). I can’t count the blessings we have been receiving, till now. I see how God takes care of us by sending “ true angels “ in our lives. Thank you for everything you do! You guys make me strong.

Enough of the sad part ( Although I could cry nonstop till I got headache).

As my dedication and appreciation to Mom, I’ve been working on her family tree ( and Dad’s, Big Ron as well ). I am able to track her heritage back to the 17th century ( Swiss, German and Dutch heritage ). Thanks to the technology.

In October, something really exciting happening to me. I was awarded as REGIONAL GEM2 WINNER ( Great Employee Makes Magic ), and the next 2 weeks, I was awarded as DVP ( Division Vice President ) GEM2 WINNER. ( From 65 nominees North America, went down to 9 winners for each division ). Praise The Lord! His love endures forever!

Baby AB turned 1 in Nov. We have a tough baby here. She's very active! We're so blessed to have such a caring babysitter, Adrian, Mom's neighbor. She loves and takes care of her very good. God bless her!

Thanksgiving was a hard time for me. We used to have Mom yearly. We invited church Korean family friend instead. We had Turkey for the 1st time. I did good job, Turkey turned out real good and so moist.

We had The Ries’ family Thanksgiving at the eldest brother in law’s house. It’s good to see all family again ( we talked a lot about Mom, lots of memories about her, we try to keep the tradition from her ). Thanks a lot, Mom! We love you!

ML’s doing great at her school. She’s one of the bright kids in her class. We are so proud of her. She loves reading! I am afraid this girl would wear glasses at young age. She loves art, as well.

We joint the Christmas Carol in our neighborhood. This is the 2nd year for us. We'll make it as a tradition.

Christmas is here. Ronnie asked me what I’d like to have for Christmas. I said NOTHING. He insisted me to have at least one thing. I said,” I want PEACE, COMFORT, LOVE, FAITH, and JOY”. That’s all I want. Those words had been said thousand times in the past, but I never got the meaning of it. Now, I know what it means. For whatever had happened in our lives, good and bad, we must give thanks in any circumstances. I want those words could fill my heart and I won’t have anything to hold back, but being grateful that God put lots of caring people in our lives. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Jesus is the reason, for the season. Merry Christmas’13 and Happy New Year’14. May Peace, Comfor, Joy fill your hearts.

God bless,
The Ries
~ Ronnie, Mei-Mei, MeiLee & Baby AB ~
Dedicated to Mom Julie in Heaven 