Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec 16th : Snowy Day

It started snowy when we're going to Forest Park,applying for MeiLee's passport.

Since Ronnie has short lunch break, we decided to meet at the Post Office in Forest Park ( abt 10mnts driving from his work ).

MeiLee walked around the post office while we're waiting for Ronnie. It took a short time ( lama nunggu Ronnie daripada prosesnya ) :P

MeiLee had to take another pic,since the pic from Walgreens was so big and I wasn't satisfied at all. It cost me another 15 bucks. That's ok.

We signed the papers.The lady said it would take abt 3 weeks to process.That's fine by us.

Ronnie couldn't stay longer,so we split. I was thinking to have some lunch,but the weather was getting worse.

I felt like small stones were thrown from the sky.Ronnie asked me to be careful. MeiLee was so excited to see her daddy * she wore Ronnie up for awhile at the post office * ^___^. She kept walking around and Ronnie had to chase her :P

I took pics while driving * duhhhh.......nekadddddddddddddddddddd * :P

Driving slowly,of course.When we got home, I saw the snow's getting thicker. I took MeiLee out from the car and let her play with the snow.

She has no clue what it is.She just stood up and fell on the ground. She just stared and looked around. Ha ha ha ha ha..

A few minutes later,she cried.I bet her pants were wet from the snow. :P

Bbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... it's really cold anyway. - 3C when we left home.


  1. Mana snow suits nya, jeng mei..

  2. gak tau bakalan lebat saljunya,da.Pas plg,udah tebel, sktr 1-2 inches. :P

  3. Meilie mau di ajak ke Indo yah bikin passport segala ...

  4. persiapan,Ta.Kalo ada berkat n waktu,tinggal boyong aja :D

  5. itu nangis karena tangannya beku kali Mei..kan ga pake gloves trus pegang2x snow...si Rachel begitu jg soalnya..tangannya sakit krn beku

  6. baru kali ini MeiLee dibawa keluar main salju. :D Iseng2 aja kmrn

  7. iya.. ha ha ha ha.. Ada glovesnya di mobil.Malas aja kmrn pakein :P

  8. ngitar2 kantor pos :P . Bapaknya sesak nafas ngejar2 . ha ha ha ha ha

  9. nope.... iseng2 aja :P

    Tapi bener2 kedinginan MeiLee sesudah itu. ha ha ha ha ha

  10. wah kalo ada Darren tambah seru neh main snownya Meilee :))

  11. Waaaah kayaknya dingin banget yaa cie... :-)

  12. Aduuuh Meilee... lucu banget.... gemeees.... Calvin ama Brandon mau ikutan jugaa yaa main saljuuu... :-)
