Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ge Well Soon,MeiLee ^___^

Duh... MeiLee runs a fever this evening. I didn't realize it. She gets flu,too.Her nose runs so bad.

Mom told me after she woke up from nap. She said," I think MeiLee runs a fever,Mei."  I ran upstairs and checked her temperature. 100 F !!!!!!!!!!!



             MeiLee's having more fluids

No wonder MeiLee wasn't in a mood of doing anything today. It's not her at all. Her face was red,her eyes watery.

I  couldn't work well tonite.I kept thinking abt MeiLee.Thank God I went home early. I heard MeiLee cried in the kitchen. Mom was giving her tylenol and checked the temperature again. It's 102.3 F !!!

                                   After having shower..MeiLee's getting better

Duh...getting worse . I didn't know what to do. Ronnie's surprised. I took MeiLee downstairs so she could spend time with us.

We gave her more fluid. Then, I was thinkin maybe giving her a bath was a good idea. Ronnie said,' Owww...That'll be good !!!!!!"

I took her upstairs and turned on Indonesian Sunday School Songs. She loved it. She watched it and laid on my chest..




                                              Laughing at Mommy ^__^

I called Mami and told her abt MeiLee's bday party. After sinking ourselves for abt 30 mnts, I put on MeiLee some clothes. I took her downstairs and checked her body temperature again. It's 93.8 F!!! .Praise The Lord!!!!

Her nose still runs. I rub Minyak Kayu Putih regularly.We played with Lucky and Tader in the kitchen.She loves seeing the dogs from the kitchen window and laughed out loudly. So glad to hear her smile and laugh again.

Grandma spent time a lil bit with MeiLee,while I was finishing my shower. I gave her bottle and she fell asleep. Ronnie said earlier that she would sleep with us tonite.

Hopefully MeiLee'll be better by tomorrow.

                                          This is MeiLee's 1st time being sick

Get well soon, pumpkin !!!  We love you so much !!!!



  1. Aduuuh kasian Meilee semoga cepet sembuh yaaa Meilee....

  2. aduh kacian..abis bday malah sakit...perubahan cuaca kali yaa. Get well soon Mei Lee!

  3. Cepat sembuh yah Meilie .... Kalau menurut gw, buat nurunin panas " Motrin " lebih manjur daripada " Tylenol "

  4. cepat sembuh ya ponakanku yang cantik...

  5. MeiLee, cepat sembuh yah .....
    ikutan senang, Mei ..... fever nya dah turun ....

  6. kacian anak mama...cepet sembuh yah mei lee

  7. Lagi musim gak bayi, toddler or adult kena flu. Meilee sudah dapet flu shot-kah? Cepet sembuh ya dede Meilee....

  8. r u sure that she gets flu? or just a regular cold. Cold and Flu have the similar symptom, but totally different. If it is a flu... you better watch out. I know it is a flu season now....don't forget to get her a flu shoot when she feels better. Get well soon cutie Mei lee!!!

  9. Well, Mei...Darren juga gitu waktu kelar Birthday dia kena fever and runny nose. Kayaknya sih karna party kan membuat anak2 excited too much jadi capek apalagi banyak orang2 di party jadi kelar party baru dehh terasa itu si Meilee capek2nya. Cepet sembuh ya sayang :) maem yang banyak dan bobo yang banyak ya. GBU...muahhhh

  10. cepat sembuh ya Meilee. Btw, anakmu udah numbuh giginya belum yah? biasanya kalo mau numbuh gigi, suka ada gejala demam segala tuh.

  11. Thnks for the prayers.

    Iya nih,kyknya MeiLee lagi teething,so bad. Ileren mulu. Puji Tuhan,panasnya udah turun,siang tadi drop ke 95 F. Sorean badannya udah biasa,gak ada panas lagi. Cuma idungnya msh meler.

    2 mgg lagi MeiLee bakalan terima suntikan dari dokter. Mudah2an gak sakit lagi deh.

  12. duh...ngeri ya sampe fever 102 gitu ya....puji Tuhan dah udah sembuh sekarang...

  13. btw, tuh di bawah mata k'napa mei ?

  14. itu pygonic granuloma of face.Mulanya kyk gigitan serangga,dipencet2,jadi mkn besar. Bln dpn mo dioperasi kecil.
