Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 7th : Tony's Graduation Party ( Kumpul Bocah ) ^__^

Sat we were invited to attend Tony's graduation party. I gave Tony Lumpia as my presents (wrapped it nicely with ribbon on top ). Ha ha ha ha.

As I handed to him,he said," Oh.. Is this Egg Roll? " Aghhhh.. Tau duluan!!!!!!!!! ^___^

MeiLee met lots of kids there. We met Kiya,Kristy's baby.She's 6.5 months old. But,she is bigger and heavier than MeiLee !! ^____^

MeiLee and Kiya played together,then Caleb joint them. Ronnie was busy playing swords and games with the kids. :D

Got lots of fun,lots of games ( throwing the ballons ) and X Box game.

Mom went home earlier.We stayed there till 9 pm.

Nicole and Erin argued abt MeiLee. Nicole wanted to hold MeiLee,but Erin didn't want to let her go. Nicole said," Share,Erin.. Share with me.Let her sit in the middle." Ha ha ha ha ha. Duh..udah bisa punya anak nih. :D

MeiLee slept in the swing,between them. Ronnie said it's time to go home...MeiLee still slept nicely in the car. ^___^.


  1. hahha... kegedean ya sayang.. muaahhh

  2. Ha ha ha ha. Bandana jatuh begitu,MeiLee cuek aja.Main terussssssss

  3. hehe so Ronnie emang demen sama anak2 ya mei

  4. Ini kalo mainan sama rumput gak keliatan jadi kayak background photo studio :D

  5. Lah... Ronnie mah kalo diksh sword,game boy, udah deh... Lupa yg lain2nya..End up main sama anak2. He he he he

  6. Thnks,Mon.Trying to loose some fat nih ^__^

  7. ini meilee minum nya sampe tidur ya. enaknya bisa tidur kapan and dimana aja.

  8. si meilee kalem ya. ..bagus posenya...

  9. matanya bagus ya mei.. bulat gede... ada lipatan lagi ..

  10. sama kyk emaknya. Di mana kepala tergeletak,langsung tidur. :D

  11. kalem sekali lho.. Kiya ngerecokin mulu,MeiLeenya anteng pisan.Gak ngomong,perhatiin aja.Ha ha ha ha

  12. iya.Mirip bapaknya banget. Ini anak campuran.

  13. Ihh amit2.... ini anjing yg plg gede yg pernah Mei2 liat.MeiLee sih mau tarik ekornya,tapi keburu takut duluan. Ha ha ha ha
