Saingan dengan Putty...
Ronnie always teases me.When he comes home,he says,"Well..Where's my other kid ( Putty ) ? " . And he looks at me,waits for my reaction. Ughhh!!! I am upset. I told him," Daaa... I don't think you have another kid here. " :P
Or,the other time," Say hello to your lil sister,Putty." Ighhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
Or.....He says," Oh..I am so happy.I got a lovely wife and 2 kids." Duhhh...ujung2nya gak enak,bow
So the other day,MeiLee was in the basement with us.Ronnie's holding her,then Putty came forward.He laid on Ronnie's lap.Meanwhile MeiLee just stared at him,and laid her head on Ronnie's should as if she said," He's my Daddy."
Ronnie petted him and said," Oh,Putty...Look at you.You're jealous,huh ? "
All a sudden Ronnie said," Ugh..something's wet on my shoulder.Is that MeiLee ? "
. Yap!!! MeiLee's teething now. She wetted Ronnie's shoulder. Ha ha ha ha ha.
MeiLee wets Daddy's shirt :D
cute story. btw itu putty gede jg ya. umur berapa?
ReplyDelete7 thnk kyknya.Tuaan Putty daripada MeiLee. ha ha ha ha. Mo brgkt kerja dulu,Jen.GBU!!
ReplyDeletehahaha si papa tetep aja gendong si kucing wao ama mei lee jua..
ReplyDeletesaingan nih. :P
ReplyDeletewahhh ileran tuh sampai kaosnya Ronnie banjir hehehhe..
ReplyDeletejadi ada kucing dan anjing dong mei di rumah ?? akur gitu ??
ReplyDeleteMeiLee udah numbuh gigi belum ?
iya..udah mulai teething.Suka gesek2 mulutnya. ha ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteAkur tuh.Malah kadang suka tidur samping2an.MeiLee blm tumbuh gigi,mulai proses nih.Josiah udah,blm ?
ReplyDeletejosiah udah 2 biji yg bawah....tanpa drooling, tanpa kenapa2 tuh...tau2 muncul 2 biji....cuman sebelumnya kalo keliatan tangan main kejar aja dia...ampe telungkup2...hehehe....
ReplyDeletecepat amirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. MeiLee satu pun blm tumbuh.
ReplyDeletejangan mau donk ahh saingan sama Putty ...
ReplyDeleteDaddynya nih yg suka bikin emaknya geram.He he he he.