Nonton Foodtv lagi... Liat episode Paula's Home Cooking. Naksir Steak Diane - nya.
Menggebu2 pengen masak.Mumpung msh ada sisa mushroom. Ronnie blg," Blm lapar lagi." Tiap 5 mnt tanya," Udh lapar,blm ??" ha ha ha ha. Gak sabaran mo masakin :D
A fin, Ronnie blg," Ok deh.. Masak skrg ". :P
6 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons snipped fresh parsley leaves
1 pound beef tenderloin, cut into 8 slices
Different kind of beef , boleh2 saja .
Melt 4 tablespoons of the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the mushrooms, onions, garlic, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, and salt, and cook, stirring, until the mushrooms are tender. Stir in the parsley; pour the sauce into a small metal bowl or saucepan, cover, and keep warm. Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter in the skillet. Cook the steaks over medium-high heat, turning them once, for 3 to 4 minutes on each side for medium. Serve the steaks with the mushroom sauce.
Sweetie...mana resepnya? gak bisa di click itu "copy from here" nya hehehe aduuhh...anakmu super duper luttttuuuu
ReplyDeleteSorry,Mak.. Kirain tadi bisa main click. Ini,udah direvise. He he he. MeiLee udh bisa jongkok.Kakakaka
ReplyDeleteNi... mana nih ?? Tiap kali Mei2 drop message,gak dibls di YM. Ol gak ?
ReplyDeletewah lg masak american style mulu nih Mei :)
ReplyDeleteiya.. lg pengen2nya. Jarang2 begini :P
ReplyDeletekok jadinya kayak yakiniku ya? Paula emang enak2 makanannya :D
ReplyDeletehahahahahaha so adorable you are MeiLee! kapan ya tante Miko bisa ketemu MeiLee
ReplyDeleteoh ya ???? mirip ya. ^__^
ReplyDeleteJadi sering pantengin tv tiap sore ^____^
ReplyDeleteAyo donk,tante Miko, main ke sini.Biar bisa main2 bareng MeiLee ^___^
ReplyDeletenyontek resepnya ya mbak ...kayaknya enak ni ,salam kenal
ReplyDeleteHi,Dian.Silahkan,kebetulan namanya sama ya ? Ha ha ha ha.Steak Diane for Dian. ^___^. Aslinya sih beefnya gak dipotong.Kelar dimasak baru diiris2.Tapi kita sukanya diiris tipis2,biar bumbunya nyerap semua. Salam hangat buat si kecil.