Yup.... since I have a baby, I concern abt saving money ( but,sometimes don't )
. Once I saw coupons book sent weekly,I love looking at them.
I remember Sybelle, my Pinoy friend,she gave me mobile on my babyshower and gave me coupons $4.50 off from Enfamil.Mom says," Mei,you're gonna need it. It's nice of her to give you that." I didn't realize how much I need it back then.
When Ronnie bought milk, he told me he paid a lot. I was surprised.I went to the kitchen and looked for my coupon.I said," here.. next time use this coupon,you'll save 4.50 bucks." Duhh!!!! I realize I need it so bad then !!!
Eversince, on Sundays,I'll sit down and check the coupons book. I cut coupons that I think we need. Once I went to Kroger and bought Croissant. I used the coupon. I saved 25 cents. Awesome!!!!. I put all the coupons in one plastic bag.
Last nite, I was ready to check what's on the book.He he he he. Mom said," Mei, these P&G coupons can be used at Kroger.Please check what we need,and save the coupons." I told Mom," I do !! I've been doing this since couple months ago. I enjoy it."
Lately,I miss my CSI Miami.I'd rather sit down and check the coupons. . I told Mom," Keep the coupons for the Enfamil,Mom." She got a few coupons.
I just only buy 1 can every month.My breasts produce lots of milk.I just only give MeiLee formula once a day. But,sometimes when I am busy and take her somewhere, I prepare at least 1-2 bottles of formula. So... saving money not to buy formula .Besides,MeiLee still got some samples from the hospital. We keep them for other occasions.
Well... I got lots of coupons now. Sometimes,I am fussy, I go to Kroger just only to use the coupons and see if they work..Yes, they do...
I declare myself as a Coupons Collector now.
hehehe..gw udah lama coupon collector kayak lu Mei..berasa kan kl belanja bisa save berapa? Kadang suka ada event double coupon kan? Gw lupa Kroger ada ngga, kl disini yg sering double coupon itu Meijer ama Giant Eagle..jadi untuk coupon under 99c, bisa double up. Misalnya lu punya coupon 50c, trus pas lu pake, itu coupon di double jadi saving another 50c..kan mayan bgt tuh
ReplyDeleteAda,Ko.si Mom baru blg kmrn,bisa pake double coupons.Makanya dia ngebet minta disave coupon2nya. :D
ReplyDeleteElu stop breastfeed yah Mei ? Gua breastfeed ( pure ngga pernah campur formula ) sampai Dalma umur 14 bulan, lumayan ngirit ngga pernah beli susu formula ! ha .. ha .. ha ..
ReplyDeletewahh sama donk mei.. biar kate kita masih berdua... tetep aja kudu pinter2 gimana save money.... kalo ada kupon tuh aku sabet duluan hihi
ReplyDeleteMsh, ta. Asi lancar begini,kyk pancuran.MeiLee kewalahan kalo mo minum,asinya muncrat ke mana2. ha ha ha. Formula jarang diksh,kalo lg pergi2 aja.Itu pun, asi dipompa,mskin ke botol.Lumayan stocknya bisa sampe berhari2. Ngirittttttttttttttttt :P
ReplyDeleteDulu2 gak pernah,Myen. Skrg aja yg rajin.Every penny is worthed now .:P