Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Nov 19th : MeiLee's Cozy Day

Same old same old..... Sleeping,eating,playing then back to sleep again.

Of course, every evening,Ronnie spends time with her.At that nite,the old neighbor came and introduced the new one who rented their house.

Ronnie took MeiLee outside, introduced her to them. Wuih..kinda cold,but Ronnie said,' It's all rite,hun. " :P

Diane gave me breast pump ( I didn't know that,till Mom told me ). No wonder I saw a big box in my bedroom,thought they're Ronnie's tools,indeed it's the breast pump.

The next days,when I went to church I thanked her.I said I'd returned as soon as I am done,she said she didn't need it anymore. Wahh... jadi 2 nih breast pump saya. :D

Dpt berkat lagi ...hi hi hi hi...


  1. pampersnya gede banget, mei.. pake nomer berapa ?

  2. lu masih nyusuin kan, mei ?? campur botol ato asi tuh ?

  3. pake no 1, Pris. Yg no N cuma dipake 2-3 mgg doank, udh gak muat lagi.

  4. Hii hii..ini kayak emaknya ya...hii hii

  5. Msh donk,kalo bisa sampe 1 thn ke dpn. Kalo gak perlu sekali,gak diksh formula.Asi doank sekali pompa 1 boob bisa dpt 4 oz lbh. Jadi besar sblh nih. ha ha ha ha ha

  6. alow sayang...cute banget sih....

  7. tidur pules di dekapan mami ...:-)

  8. haduh cantik en chubbyne si meilee kecil
    muach muach dr uncle opit
