We went to attend the wedding party at our lovely homevillage, Haranggaol. Duhhh cinta banget sama ini kampung!!!!!!!!!
It's one of our families ( ujung2nya msh sodaraan sama Pina Fatchin ternyata!! ) ^___^.
That's Pina's aunt's son, married with a lady from other village. Ok dehhhhhh.....
We had fun... I took a pic of her parents ( msh muda ternyata!!! ).
Got bunch of pics abt the wedding,but I picked some here. :D
Duhh.... seemed like we had the party. Once we arrived,they stared at us ( esp.me ). One of the familie said,' Duh... Nang ( child ), why did you wear that kind of dress??? It's the wedding, not a party. ' . Ha ha ha ha ha.
I said to her," What's wrong with my clothes?? I think it's ok." Duhhhh..namboruuuuuuuuuuuuu.... msh dianggap gak sopan ya pake baju model begini ??? Hi hi hi hi.. Maklum,msh di kampung, kurang sreg kyknya ngeliat baju2 model begini. Sorry dehhhh....sorry banget ^___^
Some villagers who didn't know us ( I bet they know my parents,but they kinda started at us,the kids ). Hi hi hi hi. They asked one each other who we were. Ha ha ha ha ha. Msh satu kampung, namboruuu... Msh org batak nihhhh, kulit dan muka aja yg nipu. :P
Some people came to me and asked," Who are you??" I told them," Oh... I am Saludin Purba's daughter." Suddenly they said,' My gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought someone else!!! I know your Dad!!!! " He he he he he.
Yeah... you better.... cos we're nobody else in the village. My grandpa was well know as a timberman * tuink...tuink....tuink...* n landlord * juragan tanah di kampung* . Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
They said,' Your Mom is a Chinese,rite ??? You girls look like your Mom,not your Dad. " :D
They were surprised to hear me speaking local language,Simalungunese. They said," You know how to speak Simalungunese ? " I told them, " hey hey hey... I am Bataknese... Proud to be Bataknese girl,Maam." They laughed and impressed. Hi hi hi hi.
Don't ask my sisters, they lack of this language.Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Sometimes they need to arrange the rite words how to say some words. Hi hi hi hi hi. Keep working on it,sisters!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I took bunch of pics of the wedding.Everytime I moved and took pics,I saw the couple stared at me. Ha ha ha ha ha. They might have thought " who is this stranger ??" . Ha ha ha ha ha.
Later,my Aunt said," See,Mei2... the villagers kept asking abt you.They thought you're a guest who wanted to take pics. I told them you're still the part of the groom's family from my side." HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Dicurigai di kampung sendiri nih...Bahaya!!!!!!!!!!!!
But,some of them know me. We shared lots of stories and memories. I met old friends there.Ammy, the Suntil Girl ( ha ha ha ha ha ha, ngunyah sirih mulu nih anak ), she's surprised to see me. She said," Kak Mei - Mei ??? My goshhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you didn't wanna say hi to me. " Dang, girllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
If I hadn't wanted to say hi, why would have I called her 1st ? :D
The other friend, Relly's pregnant, 7 months.She's surprised to see me,too.Hi hi hi hi. Gotcha, Mom to be !! :P
Well.... we did have good time. When we left abt 7 pm,the wedding party hasn't been over yet. Dang.... lama bonengggggggggggggggg.........
But,overall, I did enjoy it. My desire to visit and step my feet on this lovely village had been fulfilled.
When I left for States, I didn't come here. Even when Ronnie came to visit me, I didn't have a chance to take him visit our village and introduced him to our big family.
So,I paid my debt to come here,breath the air, lovely air,enjoyed the lovely views and had memories flash backed for years ago.... where I grew up here, helping family go to the farm sometimes, swimming with cousins,catching fish,riding " becak barang ", ha ha ha ha ha ha, ikutan ke " pekan/ pasar ", twice a week ect.
The main point was, introducing Baby Ries where her Mommy comes from. Wanna plant the culture roots while she's in my womb. :D
Don't forget,Baby Ries... you're a part of Bataknese now!! :D