Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 1 : Medan's Really Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodness.... After waiting abt 7 hours, I arrived in Medan safely.I was nervous,it took 1 hour to fly. I got headache and couldn't wait to be in Medan. He he he he.

As I arrived, I met an old friend who works in the airport,bang Raja. He told me other friend passed away months ago.

While I was waiting for the imigration,I saw my uncle and my niece were waiting for me.He helped me pick my luggages. I saw Mami,Wenny,Ko Cendy and Michael plus Akim Po Lien ( uncle's wife ) at the airport. Goshhh...everyone welcomed me!!!!!!!!

As I walked out, Papi,Joe and Ching2 were on the phone.They're so excited. He he he he. We walked out and suddenly somebody knocked my back.I turned back and  looked. I didn't see anybody till I turned down my head. Bahhhh.. my elder sister, Cie Vivie n Titie. They're tiny!!!!! he he he he.

I said to them, " Goodness.... you're so tiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Hi hi hi hi hi.

Oom Lukas took us for dinner to Titi Kuning. Lots of food.I couldn't eat that much.Then we went to Cie Vivie's home,staying there.

Goshhh... Medan's really hotttttttttttttttt hottttttttttttttttt hotttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! Streets are messed!! Noisy everywhere.I was scared.We stopped and bought some durians. ^___^.

I was sweating all nite long since it's really hot. As soon as I arrived in Medan,I called Mom and Ronnie. I told him what I experienced. :P

This morning,we had bfast, Mie Pangsit,Lontong Sayur and Lupis plus Kerupuk Jangek.I had reserved taxi to take us back home to Siantar.

Calling Ronnie this morning arranged time to chat. Glad Ronnie's online and we're chatting rite now in YM. Missing him so much.

Still got jetlag. As soon as I am done with Ronnie,I need to clean up my mess.I have been cleaning my sister's bedroom. He he he he. Too much stuff needs to be thrown away.

Today is my eldest sister's bday anyway.Must be home to celebrate with her.Papi had prepared Saksang and BPK ,he said this morning. We're coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 To be continued.................


Mei - Mei & Baby Ries





























































































  1. wah udah di Indonesia nih?? kapan berangkatnya??

  2. wah mudik ke medan mei??? ikutannn donk huhuhu ...kangen ama medan :((

  3. enjoy ur next adventure dear heehee..............

  4. Enjoy your holiday ya say... Take care....

  5. baru "mbatin", mei apa ga pengen mudik yah. eh, lha kok dah di medan :).
    welcome home !

  6. Mei........seneng denger Mei dah nyampek dgn selamat. Waduh....sombongnya....(kepanasan) hehehhee. Bukannya sama aja dgn disini klo lagi summer?? Anyway.......aku ikut senang banget....Mei dah nyampek, ketemu ma semuanya, dah menikmati makanan Indo, dll. Have Fun!!! Miss u Mei......

  7. bah si eda langsung aja khabur oi.......!!!
    mau bersalin di Siantar yah Da.....???
    selamat dech udah nyampe di kota kelahiranya.

  8. bagus, Mei. Kalo sudah sampai dengan selamat. Enjoy your stay in Medan ya?

  9. Iya eda Meimei pulkammm ngak bilang2 woiii...jangan lupa bawa oleh2 yah da....

  10. wah dah sampe yah Mei...have a great time with your family in Medan. Ntar kalo jadi mampir Jkt kontak-kontak yah...

  11. seneng deh kalo mei dah tiba di medan.have nice holiday ya.gak sabar nih tunggu photo photo na

  12. wah asik di indo, udah ngiler nih baca makanannya macem2 ehhehe... have fun ya mei!

  13. wuahhh puas deh sarapannya...have fun say

  14. OMG....Krupuk Jangek !!! Ntar pulang ke Amrik bawa Mami dong ya MeiMei ? Aseeeek...! Nitip salam buat Mami ya ( SKSD ).

  15. Enaknya udah sampai Medan.......))
    Banyak asap nggak ya ??

  16. Wahh udah nyampe Medan toh?? aku ketinggalan berita nich. Kapan kopdarnya nich?? Hehee

  17. Pulkam ya Mpok? walaaaaah asik bgt? sendirian? Ronnie gak ikutan?

  18. Alow semuanya....... iya, Mei2 udh di Siantar skrg. Ronnie gak ikutan, doi kerja plus bar gak bisa ditinggal. Mudah2an next time bisa ikutan.

    Mei2 nanti juga plg ke Indo sblm melahirkan.Akhir Aug balik ke States. Pray for me, biar gak sakit2 di sini. So far sih enjoy aja. :D


  19. sampai berapa lama di Indo Mei...met jjs yah!

  20. Alow... Sampe akhir Aug. Jumat mo ke Bandung.

  21. Enjoy ur day with ur family there.

  22. wah kayaknya seneng banget , disambut seluruh keluarga, selamat liburan dech yaa, jaga kesehatan selalu, and selamat bersauna, alamak, panas banget sekarang indonesia yaaaaa.
