Lho...lho...lho..I thought I have posted the recipe of this fish,till Priska asked me abt the recipe. He he he he.
It's very easy.
1 fish ( any other fish ).Mackarel would be better.
2 pieces of Shallots, sliced thinly
1 piece of Garlic,sliced thinly
3-5 piecesof Red Chilies,sliced thinly
Sweet Soy sauce , as needed
Clean the fish ,wash with lime to avoid the bad smell.
Put some salt and pepper around the fish.
Heat the oven abt 300 F.
Bake for awhile and then broil abt 10-15 mnts ( check the time ).
In the other hand,prepare all the seasoning in a plate.Put the fish on top and pour the Sweet Soy Sauce on top.
tks buat resepnya ya mei...besok udah mau coba2 bikin nih....moga2 sukses deh...soalnya gw paling bego kalo urusan masak, tapi sekarang no choice lah.... :)
ReplyDeletemakasih say resepnya permisi ada yang mau nyontek boleh nggak.....hehehhehhehe moga sukses selalu ya say dalam hidup dan karier amien.....
ReplyDeletewah looks so yummyyyy...thanks for the recipe!
ReplyDeletelekkerrrr maitua !
ReplyDeleteSorry baru diposting skrg.Kirain udh ada sblmnya.
ReplyDeleteGak boleh nyontek,Mbak,nanti dihukum sama gurunya,gak boleh masuk skul 1 minggu. ha ha ha ha. kabar ? ^___^
ReplyDeleteResep gampang,tutup mata jadi. He he he he. Mei2 udh balas tuh PM nya di YM.
ReplyDeleteOi,maitua.Sembunyi kah ? Ha ha ha. Lama nyanda nongol ngana pe idong. :D
ReplyDeletewadow.....enak bgt tuh ikannya..nyoba ah :D
ReplyDeleteCoba dangggggggggg
ReplyDeleteHari ini gw coba Mei...wahh mak nyusss banget..ampe merem melek makan ikan hahaha. Gw kemaren dapet steam mackerel di CAM..makanya penasaran pengen nyobain resep lu Mei..thanks ya
ReplyDeleteDicoba juga ya.Skrg distop dulu masak yg pedes *bisa gak ya ??* :P .
ReplyDeleteCoba Kerang Santan itu,Ko.Si Anne kmrn coba resepnya,dia suka katanya.
wah makasih ya resepnya.. boleh ya aku contek ^_^
ReplyDeletesilahkan, mayang