Monday, February 5, 2007

Meet Taider - The New Member









Taider... Maria's chihuahua dog was put in here for temporarily.
Goshh... the 1st time he scared me to death. He 's so energetic. Ha ha ha.

When I was bending,he  licked my back.He licks my hands ( cos he's so tiny).He jumps and lifts up his 2 legs. Ha ha ha.

Poor Putty,he still can't get along with the new doggie.He hides himself in our bedroom or in the closet upstairs.


Putty used to sit in this couch. Now Taider has his spot.

Putty in the bedroom, hiding.

Taider and Lucky spend time together.Sometimes Lucky wants to be alone. Taider just wanna play around.

One time, I was cooking.Taider jumps and lick my finger.I screamed and jumped around. .

He even so fussy,wanna know what's on the table. Ha ha ha








  1. nah lo ketitipan anak orang hihihihi...

  2. hahaha lucu ya si mereka itu... gemes Mei, jadi sekarang tempat penitipan ya? Gw titip Chennaya dunk :p

  3. Ihhhhhhhhh beda treatmentnya donk,Mpok. :D

    Ini barusan plg dari bar,bawa makanan sisa semalam.Taider malah lompat2 kesenangan.Dia kirain buat dia kali ya ? ha ha ha

  4. Paris Hilton nitip pliaraannya ama kakak yak...


  5. Mirip si Paris maksudnya ? he he he ... kidding.

  6. Thnks,Yul.Weekend ini udh diambil balik sama yg punya.

  7. Wah Mei .... buat aku serem Taider nya ... hehehe ...

  8. heuheuhuehuehe...*ngakak guling2* ...ada2 aja kakak ah... enak juga tuh............................

  9. Serem? Sama.. pertama liat juga Mei2 ketakutan.Hyper bangetttttttttttt.Untung cuma sementara di sini.

  10. Bah... mo disaksang??Alamat ente masuk penjara di sini. Menjagal makhluk hidup,diancam hukuman berat. Ha ha ha. Menghilangkan nyawa "sesuatu". :D.

  11. dah chihuahua mertua jg gak bisa diem mei, kecil2 cabe rawit. itu foto terakhir, ekspresi lucky lucu sih.

  12. He's not look like chihuahua but he got a nice brindel color though :D have a great time w/ him.

  13. Yup. Tapi kyknya si Mom gak yakin dia bisa get along sama yg lain2nya.Gara2 dia,Putty jadi serasa tersingkir.ha ha ha ha.Lucky kadang gak mau diganggu.Dia lagi enak2,Taider malah lompat sana sini,akhirnya Lucky menggonggong ke dia ,suruh diam. ha ha ha ha.

  14. According to them,it's chihuahua mixed with other( not quite sure ).I am not a pet fan. He he he.Asli,miskin ilmu ttg guguk n kucing. He he he.

  15. Dipenjara...??
    penjara disana ada bagi2 saksang gak kak...? *tetap saksangmania*

