Cie Ira picked me up at the bar around 6 pm.We drove to meet Dece at Papadeux ( seafood resto ). Wuih... it's packed there.I called Dece whether she had reserved the seats.She said no.She's on the way to meet us.I check the waiting list,the server said 2.5 hours waiting. Oo... no way.
Dece arrived and then we changed our plan.We went to China Garden Buffet.I've never been there,but I've seen their flyer every week.
I didn't take many pics in that resto.So far,the food was ok.The service was baaaaaaaadddddd.
I was waiting for the snow crab leg.I asked the waitress to get some for me.She said," OK",then walked away!!!!!! She even didn't go to the kitchen bringing me some.Then again,after a couple minutes,I asked a waiter to bring me some.He went to the kitchen and yelled.
Waiting for another minute,asking for it again,nobody came with the crab.
I had enough.I went to the front door and complaint to the cashier.He went to the kitchen,and soon the waiter brought us a plateful of crab. Huhhhh!!!!!
When I had some more food,I saw another lady asking for something.The same girl said," OK",but went to the other direction.Pengen dijitak nih org!!!!
I saw the waiter was sweeping the carpet behind a customer.I heard him saying," Aw...I am eating here,he's sweeping behind me." He pointed his hand to the carpet. Kacauuuu!!!!!!!!!
Bathroom is so bad.The atmosphere isn't nice. Ya sutralah.....once , will never ever come back there.
Dinner was over around 9pm.Didn't know what to do,we came out with idea watching movie ( Actually it's Ronnie idea).He wanted me spending time more with my friends,watching movie.Oh well.... we went to the Cinema.Looking for a good movie that Gillian can watch too.
We ended up watching Music & Lyrics. Awesome movie!!! Makes me fall in love more and more with Hugh Grant. Lucuuuuuuuu.
It's still raining when we came back home.It's icy rain.Well.... I was dropped at the bar around 11.30pm.
Capekkkkk,but exciting!!!