Yes, " tomorrow is a big day ". I love that quote!
Each day, sometimes it haunts me, chases me to do rush things.Oh I forgot to do this, oh I forgot to do that! Time runs so fast!
Early in the morning, drop ML to her grandma's house.During winter is the hardest time for me, since it's snowy, cold,the temperature's dropped to -14C! , holding her while she's still sleeping, make sure she wouldn't fall down when I was walking on the slippery driveway.
Then drive to work, starts the day at 7am-5pm.Within a day, there're lots of things happen.Sometimes time runs so slow,sometimes so fast, by the time clock shows 5 pm, I closed the office and drive back to pick up ML ( Daddy picks her up the next day,we schedule to pick her up in turn ).
Sometimes chit chat with Mom, asking one each other how the day goes by.Then take her home. If we need to stop somewhere,we'd do, do grocery shopping ect.
At home, I start cooking for my dinner& lunch the next day. ML would watch tv or play games.Then Daddy comes home,we spend time chit chat in the family room.We spend most of the time in the family room & kitchen.
Sometimes, Daddy goes to the basement, play music, and he does the laundry at the same time. Daddy don't let me do the laundry. He said one day," If you touch it, you'll do it FOREVER."
Oh no.... I don't wanna do it. I am a forgetful person. Once I put clothes in the machine, I might not remember to come down and dry them, cos I will be busy in the KITCHEN! 
Somewhere around 7-8'ish,I prepare ML"s clothes for the next day, the same thing for me.Then, ask ML to go to bed. Brushing her teeth,wash her hands, face, ears,pee pee, then climb up to bed, to pray.
Daddy will come to bed, and tuck us in.Sometimes he spends time with us in bed. 
I myself have been reading the Daily Bread, I give ML a few minutes to play in the bed, before we pray.
She's funny. Everytime I say," Let's pray." She'll start saying,' TUHAN YESUS, JAGA ML ". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I told her, we have to start with something else," Tuhan Yesus, ML mau bobo.Tuhan jaga...."
She said, " Oh,I'm sorry, Mommy." Ha ha ha ha ha.
Lately, she asked me if we have more prayer lists.When I mention some names, she will say," Come next ? Who else ?"
ML likes reading before going to sleep. She brings some story books and asks me to read one of them.She can have me read the same book for a couple days.
And, I encourage her to go back to her bedroom ( she's been sleeping with us for awhile ).She refused to go back to her bedroom, dunno why.
I use a trick to make her back. We always say," Let's do the race!". Ha ha ha ha ha. " One,two, set and GO!!!! "
I pretend to be the looser, so ML can be the winner and reach the bedroom fast.She is REALLY happy when she knows she can defeat me. I love to see her " Happy Face ".
She asks me to lay down into her crib ( thank God, still fit in there ).LOL. She says," Come, Mommy. Lay down with me."
I lay down next to her, put on her blankie,and she said," Read,Mommy, please."
I grab a book and read it. Then she says,' Mikit ( music ), please."
She has a " piano musical toy ", tied to one of the cribs' side. I push " PLAY " on it. It plays a couple instrumentals.
I will say," Give Mommy a kiss,please." She gives me her cheek.Ha ha ha ha. I say," Mommy wants a nice kiss." Then, she kisses me.
I say," Ok,sugar....Good nite... Love you.Mommy will see you tomorrow."
ML says," Nite,Mommy.I love Mommy."
I ask," What is tomorrow,Mei ?"
Yes, Tomorrow is a Big Day! That's what my 3 years old daughter says. I love to hear it. I realize each day is indeed a big day !
I say to Daddy, " I love ML's word about " tomorrow ".
She has a positive way to look forward to facing another day, a big one.
I need to learn from this lil one, how to face " tomorrow ", without any worries. Because I know tomorrow is a big day! A brand new day!
PS : I love you, ML!!!!