Hi, I'm 2 yrs old now. Mommy says I have been good for these years.Mommy,Daddy and Grandma celebrated my bday in simple way at Grandma's house. Mommy said she would throw a bday party later for me.
This year is a busy year for us.Mommy and Daddy are taking care of stuff. They've been packing stuff like crazy since couple weeks ago.
I have been through a lot lately.Been sick, been falling down from chairs,steps ( last nite ). Mommy was scared. I could see her face was pale when she saw me landed on the bottom of the steps. But,I am ok 
This year was the worst year for Mommy. Mommy lost her Daddy, my OPA in Aug. She cried in the middle of the night and I was there. I saw her crying for a long time,and I cried,too. I was scared to see her crying.
All I knew, I was in the airplane the next day and flying for 2 days. I didn't get used to with the plane,so I cried. I was scared. Mommy didn't know that.
Thank God, we arrived in Indonesia ( yeah,Mommy's country ) at nite. I was introduced with all families and friends. I met new faces. Some kids with my ages.
I played with them.But, I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks. Always woke up in the morning at 2-3am. I wanted to play,but Mommy put me to sleep again.
We spent 1 month in Indonesia. I met other families in Bandung and Jakarta.Had good time there.
I love songs from Indonesia.
Satu dua..tiga empat... tangan taro di pinggang..Kepala goyang2.... ( one of my fave songs!! ). Kullong takullong...takullong...takullong...ete haaaaa!!! ( Bataknese song created by Maktua Kecik, Cipinang ). Thank you,Maktua!!!!
When we came back home, I saw Daddy was waiting for us.I was so happy,but then again, I was shy,so I ran away.Daddy grabbed me. ha ha ha ha.
It's good to see Grandma again amd the doggies 
I spend time with Mommy,Daddy,Grandma and doggies again. Mommy sometimes takes me somewhere,esp. on weekends.
We had done Fashion Show in Middletown,OH for Middfest Indonesia 2009. Hey,I'm on Dayton Newspaper :D
Guess..that's my 1st debut. Ha ha ha ha ha.
So.. this year, I had another bday. Mommy promised to buy me something. I heard Mommy says something about " camera " to Daddy. Mommy decided not to buy right now,cos she'd like to compare with other brands. Yeah,I want a camera so bad!!! How about that ? 
Next month,we're gonna have a bday party for Octoberians ( Mommy calls like that ).Ha ha ha ha. At least about 12 people in Daddy's family have bdays in Oct. Yuhuuuu!!!!!!!!
Aha... I pick up some Indonesian words,too. I was taught when I was in Indonesia. People talk Indonesian there.I talked Gibberish. ^________^. I like to say, "Oma,Opa, Cici,Koko..... ADUHHH!!!! JATUH!!!! MAU.......PIPIS!!! ". Ha ha ha ha ha.. I like those words. Daddy even don't know what it means.
Ok..... gotta gooo... bye bye....
Happy bday to me, then :D
Some videos of mine :