After a longgggggggggg trip,and missed flight from Houston - Cincy ( we're late a couple minutes, they had closed the door ),we had to wait for the next flight at nite 7.30pm.
We finally arrived safely @ 11pm. Ronnie had waited for us in the airport.ML was so excited!!!!! But,poor Ronnie,ML was so shy to look at him. LOL.
Ronnie asked," Why did she do like this ??? " . LOL
We arrived at home abt 11.30pm. ML still didn't wanna sleep till 2am. Since she get used to sleep with a lot of people,she didn't wanna sleep by herself.
She ended up sleeping with us. Ronnie took her downstairs in the morning. He said he wanted ML to get used to with the reg. schedules. LOL
When I came down at 10.30am, I saw ML was sleeping again. Ha ha ha ha ha
Thank God,we're home again!!!! Glad to be with fam again. :D
PS : Thank you all for you symphaties. We really appreciate it. God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!