Apr 22nd 09
CINCINNATI, OH (FOX19) - If you text and drive in Cincinnati, you could soon get a ticket if a city's councilman's bill becomes law.
Texting while driving is an obvious distraction. You can't keep your eyes on the road and the phone at the same time.
It's why councilman Chris Bortz wants to ban texting and driving in Cincinnati.
Earlier this year, a driver flipped off a Queensgate overpass while texting. Each year, 2,500 drivers are killed because of cell phone distractions.
"Unfortunately, it's getting to be an almost everyday occurrence," said Lt. Robert Hungler with Cincinnati Police.
It's why Councilman Bortz wants texting while driving outlawed in Cincinnati.
"When you're texting, you're taking your eyes off the road, you're taking sometimes both hands off the wheel," said Bortz.
Councilman Bortz worked with Cincinnati Police to write a law that would allow officers to pull over drivers and write tickets to texters.
"You'd get a citation if an officer sees you doing it. It's really very similar to a seat belt violation," said Bortz.
That law is on paper and will be debated at the next law committee, before going to vote before full council. It needs five votes to pass, and could be passed in a few weeks.
Source : http://www.fox19.com/global/story.asp?s=10226694
Duh, kena deh saya !!!!!!!!! Soalnya paling sering nyetir sambil telp2an,even sms an. Kaki dilipat kyk minum di kede tuak,sambil 1 tangan ber-sms-ria.
Sebenarnya,minggu lalu,hampir tabrakan.Ceritanya pas plg kerja,udh malam, telp2an ke Ronnie.Perasaan jalanan udah clear,so belok ke kiri deh,eh gak taunya tiba2 ada dengar suara klakson, ada mobil ternyata datang dari arah kanan. Lahhhhhhhhh.. datang dari mana ????? Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diklakson,ya otomatis kagetlah!!! Muncung mobil udh dkt. He he he he he he..
Yg ada,malah jantungan.Sambil buru2 ngomong ke Ronnie.Untung Ronnie gak tanya,soalnya pas lagi ngomong sama Ronnie,itu kejadian. Cpt2 blg ke Ronnie," Ok,hun,I'll be home soon."
Duhhh...... Puji Tuhan,gak apa2.Cuma ya jantung ini berdetak kencang!!!!!!!!!!! Sport jantung.
Bagus juga tuh counsilman ada perhatian.Iya deh,Pak... bsk lusa saya gak sms or telp an lagi deh.. Atuttttttttttttt...............
Thanks for the concerns abt our safety.