Yay !!! It's a good opportunity for us to apply MeiLee's passport to Columbus instead of going to Chicago this weekend.
We got an email from permias newsletter,informing that the Indonesian Consulate from Chicago would come to Columbus for a couple hours. Whoever wanted to apply for passport,self report ect,could come to Columbus and meet them.
I told Ronnie abt the planning to apply for MeiLee's Indonesian Passport. He welcomed the plan.
We got up at 6.30 am. Left from home abt 8.30am and picked up Ramini at Mason. I asked permission from Mohit and his wife to take Ramini to Columbus,so she could meet more Indonesians.
Ramini so excited.She kept thanking us. Lol.... Ronnie stopped Mc.D and bought us some bfasts.
We arrived at OSU abt 11am. Mr.Tony Wibawa was giving a speech. I asked a question like I asked in my previous blog. He said," The kid will bring her 2 passports, Indonesian and American. The passports will be stamped by the immigration officers." OK... I got the answer clearly now ^___^.
We put our application form abt 11.30am. We were called abt 3.30pm.It just took abt 5-10 minutes. MeiLee had her thumb printed on the passport. Ha ha ha ha ha.. She's been so good till the last minute. Bet she's hungry and tired. But, she had lots of fun with the kids in the building.
Wonder... this girl is very easy to make friends.She just roamed around and "greeted " people. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ronnie told me that she ran to a lady who sat at the hall and hugged her. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
I had no problem with MeiLee. The kids kept following her,hugging her,holding her and taking her around the hall. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ronnie felt asleep. Hi hi hi hi hi. He's so tried.He only had a few hours sleeping the other nite. We applied for MeiLee's Indonesian Birth Certificate,too. It cost us extra 10 bucks.
I met Chiko and family, and I met Eka ( old friend I met back to 06 at Asian Festival in Columbus ). Ha ha ha ha ha... She came to me and reminded me abt Nia's friend. I said," yes.. I am her friend. Are you, Ika..or Eka ??' She said," Yes, I am.. You are Mei.. ? " Ha ha ha ha ha ha..
Aduh,Mak... Lama bener gak bersua.. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. She said," You haven't got this lil one the very 1st time we met." ha ha ha ha ha ha. Her kids grow up so fast now. Almost teenagers. :D
Well.... we're done almost 4pm. I called Sera White who were waiting for us at Taste of Bali Resto. I had her order Ronnie's food.
We arrived in 20 mnts. There, Sera's friend, Wiwieq was waiting for us too. We ordered some food. Ramini chose the " Nasi Sayur " . Gudeg was too sweet, I didn't like it. I chose the other menu ( Rendang, Telur Balado,Sate,Opor Ayam,Sambel Kentang & Nasi ) . Borongannnnnnnnnn :P
We took some pics before we left. MeiLee went behind the cashier desk and played with Vivi, the student from Medan. Hey!!!!!! I talked to her in Chinese!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ( Gatal nih lidah mo ngomong Hokkien ). Ha ha ha ha ha ha..
So, MeiLee finally met Tante Sera. :D MeiLee's been using her Royal Potty from Tante Sera,but it's her first time to meet face by face. Ha ha ha ha ha ha..
Thanks a lot The Whites,Wiwieq & John.. Till we meet again!!!!!!!!!
We dropped Ramini at Mason abt 6.30pm and arrived at home abt 7pm. I am still not feeling good. But, hey.. it's worth it to go to Columbus and take care of MeiLee's needs.
Plus,Ramini met lots of new friends,too, a few of them are from Java!!!! I am so glad that Ramini had good time. :D
Our big appreciation to the Permias Committee who had held this program, to Indonesian Consulate of Chicago Officers who made it easier and nearer for us.
To The Whites ( yg udah bela2in ke Columbus n mo lunch bareng dgn kita,walau keburu telat ) :D
Wiwieq,new friend n John.. See you all next time!!!!!!
God bless
The Ries