Waaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a nite!!! Big John from Rock of Love ( Bret Michael's bodyguard ) is in Cincinnati tonite.
I was putting silver wares at the front door when I saw Big John walked into the resto.I was stunned but realized it's him. I told my friends,but they weren't sure.
Then,Christine, walked to his table ( his friends were there already ). Christine came back and said,' Mei - Mei. You're absolutely rite.It's him!!! ".
See ?? Then I walked to his table.
Me : " You're John, from Rock of Love,aren't you? "
John : " Yes,Maam."
Me : " Yay!!!!!!! I told you!!! " ha ha ha ha ha ha
What are you doing here? "
John : " Family matters. I'm from Cincinnati."
Me : "Seriously ?? "
John :" Yes. ha ha ha ha ha.. I grew up here."
Me : " Cool!!! .Who's the winner of the 3rd season?"
John : " I can't tell you that. I spend time with the girls all the time." ka ka ka ka ka.. Dodol!!!!!!!!
Someone talked and said,' We're brothers.Don't we look alike ?"
I said," Well.. you're cuter than him."
He stood up and John said,' Oo.. he's gonna give you a hug."
Indeed,he stood up and my gosh!!!!!!!!! He's sooooooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooooo TALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's abt 8 feet!!!!!!!!!!! I am only his armpit height ^____^.
He gave me a big hug.. ha ha ha ha ha ha *blush*
Me : " Thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hey, is it ok if I take a pic with you ? "
John : " No problem at all."
I ran to the kitchen and said to my friends, "it's him!! it's him!!! ". ha ha ha ha ha..
I asked if anyone would like to take a pic with him.But,they're shy. * yeeeee...malu * :P
I had Linda take our pic. hi hi hi hi hi.
Before left, I said to John," tell Bret that Natasha is a REAL girl.Not transvestite,not half woman.She's a real girl. She used to work with us. " :P
Natasha is one of Bret's girls in the season 3. But she didn't make it.. John said that Natasha's a cool girl. ^___^.
Anyway, it's kinda fun tonite. He made my day. lol..... I don't care abt Bret Michael... I like John more than Bret.He's hotter.. ka ka ka ka ka ka * ups... Sorry, Ronnie* :P
Anyone watches Rock of Love,too ?? ^____^