Duh... I found him after 12 years disappeared. I had been wondering how he's doing,what he's been up to ect...ect....ect.....
Long lost friend is found.........
Duh... I found him after 12 years disappeared. I had been wondering how he's doing,what he's been up to ect...ect....ect.....
Long lost friend is found.........
Happy Thanksgiving, folks!!!
In everything we have, give thanks to God .
The Ries'
Belakangan pada malas ngeupdate di MP. Banyakan abisin wkt di FB. * Wah... racun FB kuat banget neh * :D
FB lbh seru ternyata ( dulu2 ogah ikutan FB,skrg malah ketagihan ). Malasnya kalo upload foto2 di MP,kudu ngeupload satu per satu.( apa krn kmrn pilih settingnya begitu ya ? * . Kalo di FB, tinggal click2 mana2 yg mo diupload, lbh gampang ).
Oh well... .susah juga mendua hati
Papi....thank you!!! Finally we could " meet " again. You looked so handsome in your uniform,so healthy and full of charisma. I still can see your strong character in you. Proud of you,Papi...really proud.........
You talked to me and said you're ready to go to work.Goshh... you did like you did long time ago when we're kids.
Wish you hadn't left again . But, I did have a chance to hug you and hold your feet. I still feel the warmth of your embrace and your love.
Papi,thank you...After all I wanted,finally you did come to me. Thank you...thank you....
Love you,Papi..Please do come to visit us more often. That's all I want.
Hi, I'm 2 yrs old now. Mommy says I have been good for these years.Mommy,Daddy and Grandma celebrated my bday in simple way at Grandma's house. Mommy said she would throw a bday party later for me.
This year is a busy year for us.Mommy and Daddy are taking care of stuff. They've been packing stuff like crazy since couple weeks ago.
I have been through a lot lately.Been sick, been falling down from chairs,steps ( last nite ). Mommy was scared. I could see her face was pale when she saw me landed on the bottom of the steps. But,I am ok
This year was the worst year for Mommy. Mommy lost her Daddy, my OPA in Aug. She cried in the middle of the night and I was there. I saw her crying for a long time,and I cried,too. I was scared to see her crying.
All I knew, I was in the airplane the next day and flying for 2 days. I didn't get used to with the plane,so I cried. I was scared. Mommy didn't know that.
Thank God, we arrived in Indonesia ( yeah,Mommy's country ) at nite. I was introduced with all families and friends. I met new faces. Some kids with my ages.
I played with them.But, I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks. Always woke up in the morning at 2-3am. I wanted to play,but Mommy put me to sleep again.
We spent 1 month in Indonesia. I met other families in Bandung and Jakarta.Had good time there.
I love songs from Indonesia.
Satu dua..tiga empat... tangan taro di pinggang..Kepala goyang2.... ( one of my fave songs!! ). Kullong takullong...takullong...takullong...ete haaaaa!!! ( Bataknese song created by Maktua Kecik, Cipinang ). Thank you,Maktua!!!!
When we came back home, I saw Daddy was waiting for us.I was so happy,but then again, I was shy,so I ran away.Daddy grabbed me. ha ha ha ha.
It's good to see Grandma again amd the doggies
I spend time with Mommy,Daddy,Grandma and doggies again. Mommy sometimes takes me somewhere,esp. on weekends.
We had done Fashion Show in Middletown,OH for Middfest Indonesia 2009. Hey,I'm on Dayton Newspaper :D
Guess..that's my 1st debut. Ha ha ha ha ha.
So.. this year, I had another bday. Mommy promised to buy me something. I heard Mommy says something about " camera " to Daddy. Mommy decided not to buy right now,cos she'd like to compare with other brands. Yeah,I want a camera so bad!!! How about that ?
Next month,we're gonna have a bday party for Octoberians ( Mommy calls like that ).Ha ha ha ha. At least about 12 people in Daddy's family have bdays in Oct. Yuhuuuu!!!!!!!!
Aha... I pick up some Indonesian words,too. I was taught when I was in Indonesia. People talk Indonesian there.I talked Gibberish. ^________^. I like to say, "Oma,Opa, Cici,Koko..... ADUHHH!!!! JATUH!!!! MAU.......PIPIS!!! ". Ha ha ha ha ha.. I like those words. Daddy even don't know what it means.
Ok..... gotta gooo... bye bye....
Happy bday to me, then :D
Some videos of mine :
Just got home from lil gathering @ Plaza Senayan, Jakarta.
Thanks to kak Ave Malau who was willing to spend time with me and fam ( we met for the 1st time!!! ), and to Tony n Tatik ( friends from college ).
Sorry for those who missed the gathering. So sorry :(
Till we meet again.. God bless you all!!!!
We're leaving for Medan tomorrow evening at 4pm.
PS : foto nyusul
Rest in peace, our beloved Papi.. Rest in peace...
We loved you so much, more than words can say. My world turns up side down to hear the news early this morning at 2.30am.
Rest in peace,Papi.... Till we meet in heaven
I'm back ^___^.
Anyway, I've been working at Snacks Building for almost 1 month now. Wow!!! The people are very nice here. I make friends easily
People stop by at my desk,chit chat and share stories.And of course,get some candies for free. Ha ha ha ha ha.
There is a guy,who always likes the music I play ( yeah, I play music in my computer ). He said one day," Hi.. I really like the music. It goes up the the stairs and you can hear it beautifully "
That's how we met and talked often after that.
So,last week,he stopped by and said," Wow.. music again!! I love it!! " .
He asked me," Mei-Mei,do you like Cucumber ? Zucchini ? "
I told him," Yeah. I like Zucchini.I cook Salmon Pasta with Zucchini ".
He said," Ok.. I got some in my office. You can have as many as you want."
Me : " ???? " Duh... kalo disuruh ke kantornya,segan ah..
He said," Do you have time ? "
I said," I will go get some later."
He said," Come on. Leave your desk real quick,and get some there.Before everyone gets "
I felt a lil bit concerned. I was trying to avoid it,but he said," Come on.Come with me "
I didn't wanna be rude. I told him," Hold on. I need to bring my plate."
He said," You don't the the plate."
I wonder how I bring the zucchini and cucumbers if I don't bring my plate.
I followed him,made a distance a lil bit. He he he he he
He took me farer from my desk,turned to the hall,and kept walking abt 50 feet. Oh boy........
Tada!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!! LOTS OF ZUCCHINIS,CUCUMBERS and SQUASHES. Ha ha ha ha ha. And,there're some people in the room,too.
Uffffhhhhhhhhhhhhh.I felt much better now
He said," You can take as many as you want. You don't need a plate."
Ha ha ha ha ha.. Salah persepsi!!!! Kirain salad !!! :D
I took some, eh... a lot!!! . I gave some to my friends.
Zucchini Contest
At lunch time,Erica,another employee,stopped by at my desk. I told her I got some zucchinis and others.
She said," Yeah.. I saw some over there. There's a Zucchini Contest. "
Me : " ?? When,where?"
She said : " Here. It's posted. Whoever can make any dishes by these veggies will be the winner."
Me : " Wow.."
She said, " Do you know what the prize is ?"
Me : " Yeah.What?"
I thought so... I was about the say the same. HA HA HA HA HA
She said," Who's gonna eat zucchini everyday ?"
I said," I don't know.But,not me. "
Today,he came to my desk again and said," Mei-Mei, you know I brought some today.Help yourself. Tomorrow I'll bring some. "
WAHHHH.. Juragan Zucchini nih ceritanya. :D
He said him and his father in law plant the zucchinis. That's neat! :P
I took some more today and gave to my friends. I only have 1 zucchini.. ONE ONLY
I don't think I wanna join the contest. I'm afraid to imagine the zucchini is served daily on my table. ha ha ha ha ha
Anyway,thank you,Mr.Zucchini
Note : pinjem picnya org :D
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Romantic Comedy |
This kid really made me laugh...and especially made my day!!!
I just fed her.She had mashed potato for lunch and vanila custard with banana as dessert. MeiLee wanted to feed herself.It's kinda messy,so I helped her.
She picked up the bowl and tried to pour it in her mouth.Of course it didn't work,cos it's thick :D
She fought me and played with me.She put her finger and tried to choke herself.She laughed.I wasn't happy.
Then I said," Ok!! That's enough girl.No more."
She laughed and said," No "
I said," Ok..we're done. No more."
I picked her up from her chair and wiped her mouth.She did it again,and I said," MeiLee....that's enough! I'm gonna get Daddy so Daddy can talk to you."
She laughed.
I washer her mouth and said," Enough..I'll get Daddy for you. Daddy!!!!!!!!!
I thought she'll be afraid.... then...
MeiLee said," DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I ended up laughing loudly!!!!!!!!!!! She laughed,too. KA KA KA KA KA KA KA.
Then I brought MeiLee downstairs to meet her Daddy, she's excited and said ," DADDY!!!!!!! " Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Instead of making it firm to her,she got me :D
What a day!!!!!!!
Wow!!! I was so thrilled tonite!!!!!!!!! It was my nite!!! It's not because I had good nite at the resto tonite,but cos Awnie,the hostess finaly brought my t-shirt!!!
We're asked to draw abt something on our uniform by Ritin,back to March.I had no clue what to draw. All a sudden,Awnie offered to draw one of my shirts. So, I handed it to her ( I trusted her,cos last time,she accidentally drawing me secretly ). LOL.
It was months ago.I stopped by at the front door,and she handed me a drawing.It's me!!! Me with glasses. I laughed. She asked," Do you like it,Mei-Mei?? " I told her,' Yes.Thank you.It's me!!! " .The others were agree.
Then, I trusted her to draw my uniform. First, she promised me within 1-2 weeks.Then,she took more time. She said she did something on my shirt.
I was a lil bit worry ( I thought she might had made a mistake ).
Then,came April... I still didn't see it. I tried not to be fussy.Yesterday,Awnie said that she had done it,but she forgot to bring it.She promised to bring it tonite.
When I got at the resto, Ritin said that I was right on time.I had a party. So, I started taking care of them.
Later,Carrie said," Mei-Mei,did you see your shirt ? " I said," What shirt ? " Heather said," Mei-Mei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, look at your shirt!!!!!!!!! DANG!!!!!!!! IT'S AWESOME,MAN!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA STEAL IT!!!!!!!! "
I had no clue what they're talking about.Then,I went to the bathroom,I saw Awnie's standing there. She grabbed a shirt and pointed to me. " Mei-Mei,it's done."
WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had shown me the drawing weeks ago,but I didn't realize it turned GREAT!!!!!!!!!
They asked me to put it on. I said," Not now.. It's so clean,I don't wanna make it dirty.I'll put it on tomorrow nite. "
But,alas... I went to the bathroom and saw how dirty my shirt that I was wearing. Then..tadaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! I grabbed my new shirt and put it on.
I walked out,and everyone turned their heads on me. Firstly, I didn't realize.Dan,Heather,Zack,Ben,Jessica,Ritin and everybody else starred and me and Heather said," I WANNA STEAL YOUR SHIRT,GIRL!! "
Zack said," You can't... Cos there's Mei-Mei's name there." Ha ha ha ha ha.
One of my guests noticed that I changed my shirt.She said," Girl!!!!!!!!!!!! Your shirt rocks,girl!!! " LOL
I told her," It's really me.But,I don't wear short skirt." HA HA HA HA HA.
I asked Awnie how much I would pay her.She said," I don't wanna,Mei-Mei. I love you,that's why I did this to you. I charge the rest,but you."
Oh... I am so blessed and touched. I told her," Honest,I still wanna pay you.Cos this is 2 months project. "
She said," NO. NO NO NO NO."
I told her," Thank you much,Awnie. I love you.Thank you for doing this to me. "
I hugged her.
I went home tonite,and showed Ronnie the shirt. He was SURPRISED!!! HIS JAW DROPPED.
Ronnie said,' Turn around,hun.I wanna see it again." He said,"Wow...There's your name here,too."
I asked him," how much do you think I should pay her ? I was abt to pay her 20 bucks."
Ronnie said," Gee,baby.. more than that... I'd give 50 bucks!! "
I am agree with Ronnie.This valuable shirt really really awesome!!! It's not because it took 2 months to do it,but the love that Awnie put on it,really really makes me feel good!!!!
What do yo think ??? How much should I pay Awnie,guys ???
Ronnie suggests me to buy her something ( but I don't know what she wants ). I'd rather buy her a jewelry ( again,Ronnie said it's old fashion ).
This girl looks like she likes gothic style. Hmm... I need some ideas,pls....