A phenomenal down to earth guy who changes lots of people's life ( esp.me ) how to face life and death.
I had ordered the book,seems it's in hold ( since lots of people are interested in buying it,too ).
Dying Professor's Lecture of a Lifetime
Randy Pausch Has Terminal Cancer, but Inspires Others With Lecture on Living Life to the Fullest

Update: Randy Pausch, a 47-year-old computer-science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, has terminal pancreatic cancer. He has been on palliative chemotherapy, intended to slow the growth of the tumors. The chemo worked well until two weeks ago, when side effects began causing congestive heart and renal failure, resulting in hospitalization. He is now at home, getting his strength back. Recently he wrote this note in his blog, "So I rest, and I rest, and I rest. The really good news is that at least based on blood markers the tumors are being very chivalrous and not taking advantage of this opportunity to run wild, before I'm strong enought to fight back."

In September, Pausch said goodbye to his students and the Pittsburgh college with one last lecture called "How to Live Your Childhood Dreams," on his life's journey and the lessons he's learned
Make sure to watch "The Last Lecture: A Love Story For Your Life" on ABC Wednesday April 9th, 10pm/9 CST.
The Wall Street Journal called it "the lecture of a lifetime" and those who have seen it have more than agreed.
A beloved professor at Carnegie Mellon, Pausch got a standing ovation from the 400-member audience before he even opened his mouth.

No Self-Pity
Pausch, a father of three, talked about his battle with pancreatic cancer. "So in case there is anyone in the room who wandered in and didn't know my back story, my dad always said, 'If there is an elephant in the room, introduce him,'" Pausch said in the lecture.
"If you look at my [CT] scan, there are approximately 10 tumors in my liver. The doctors told me I had three to six months of good health left. That was a month ago so you can do the math."
The diagnosis was a grim reality, but Pausch doesn't do grim and he doesn't do self-pity.
"I've never understood pity and self-pity as an emotion," Pausch told Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America" today. "We have a finite amount of time. Whether short or long, it doesn't matter. Life is to be lived."
The lecture is filled with jokes.
"We're not going to talk about spirituality and religion. Although I will tell you that I have experienced a deathbed conversion. I just bought a Macintosh. … Now I know I'd get 9 percent of the audience with that," Pausch said.
He also told the audience he was in "phenomenally good health" at the moment and even did a round of one-handed push-ups to prove it.
Patience Rewarded
Pausch said he looked back at family photos and saw that when he was a kid, he was smiling in every picture.
"So what were my childhood dreams? You may not agree with this list, but I was there. Being in zero gravity, playing in the National Football League, authoring an article in the World Book Encyclopedia. I guess you can tell the nerds early," he said in the lecture.

Though he achieved most of his childhood dreams, Pausch flashed his rejection letters on a screen and talked about career setbacks: "Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls aren't there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show us how badly we want things."
Pausch says he's not afraid of death, but does worry about the process of dying.
Keep fighting,Randy!!!! Our prayers for you and the family.Keep the faith !!!
source : http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=4614281&page=1