Yuhuuuuu.... Finally,after 2 days cooking,all my food was done. Eda Genta called me a couple days ago and said she'd like to pick up her food order.Then,ended up by talking abt having dinner together at home on Thursday Nite. Yipeee!!!!!!!!!!!
I cooked more portion for dinner. Eda Genta ordered Rendang,Sambal Goreng Ati,Ikan Bakar Sambal Terasi,Sambal Teri and Bak Kecap.
Dece ordered Sambal Teri.
Ati order double portion Rendang and Sambal Goreng Ati.
Ian ordered Rendang and Sambal Goreng Ati.
Since it would be our dinner, I fried Lumpia Shanghai,Crackers,Sate Sapi and Sayur Lodeh !!!!
Rini brought her Cabbage Roll.Mom lovessss it. Marce brought 2 pieces home. ^__^
The Lees ( David,Rini and Arjuna ) came around 6.30pm.Then followed by Dece,Eda Genta and Ati. The last was Marce and Karce ^__^ . Ronnie came home and he said he met Marce and Karce at the bar.Missing her sooooo much!!!!!!!!
I asked Dece to check the Kebab,she had one on her mouth when she came back. Hahahahhaha.Curangggggggg!!!!!!!!!!
Mom had Pumpkin Pie as our dessert.
Goodness....we're stuffed. Ati said, " My goodness...I am stuffed,Mei2.But,I wanna eat some more." ha ha ha ha.
Ronnie had some Kebab and he had to go to the bar.Ati teased him. hi hi hi hi. Poor Ronnie,he don't understand what we're talking abt. Karce and David understand Indonesian.Karce says," You don't wanna know what they're talking abt,Ron." HUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. CORRECTO!!!!!!
The dinner was over around 8.30pm.We chit chat for awhile and we saw the guys were playing games with the kids. Marce said,"Genta, do you wanna hire Karce as a babysitter?" Hahahahahhahahaa.
When it came to Dessert,everyone had a piece of Pumpkin Pie. No..Karce and David had more than 1. Hi hi hi hi. I had 2. I shared with Marce *nodong.com*
David said,"Mei2, Rini says she wants mo whipped cream." I spread more,he said," in her mouth." WAHHHHHH. Ok,bossssssssss!!!!!!!!!
I sprayed some in her mouth.The whipped cream was around her hair.We laughed!!!!!!!
It's already 9 pm,they had go to. One by one left with some food in ziplocks. Hi hi hi hi.
Marce and Karce dropped me at the bar almost 10pm.
Later on, Ian came with his friends.He picked up his food and played pool for couple hours. He said, " Mei2, I wanna order weekly,pls." ^___^
Mande,his Indonesian friend, orders some from me,too.He said he'd pick the food next week.
Well, Mom's so excited to see my friends. She likes them. I made her work so hard for the " party ". hehehehehe.Sorry,Mom.
Everyone had good time. Ati said," Mei2, I wanna do catering from you, on my bday." I said, " When ?" She said, " March, next year. " YA TOLONGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tahun depannnnnnnnnnnn.. masih lama, nek... :P
I said," Let's do gathering monthly." Ati said,' Yes.. let's do that.We'll pay Mei2 for the food." I said," Thank you for reminding that part." HUAHUAHHUAHAHAHAHA.
I am sooo tired rite now. I cooked for 2 days, and continued working at the bar last nite till 2.30am.
Woke up at 11am and went to the bar till 3 pm. Had lunch and sleepy now. *yawn*
Thank you for coming,friends.
I hope you enjoyed all the food and the companions.
We'll see you next month ? ^___^
God bless!!!!